Too many times we find ourselves in front of a judge for a traffic fine or a misdemeanor. Never do we ever think about finding ourselves in front of a judge in the fight of the lifetime for our families, however; when we do, we want that fight to be over quickly. So we do what we have to do and jump through those God forsaken hoops they tell us we have to do to make them see we are not that bad of PARENTS!!!
What am I talking about? Child Protective Services; (from here on out to be called CPS). What is a Case Services Plan or a Plan of Action? What are Team Meetings? What is an in-home visit? Why are parents expected to attend parenting classes after having multiply children? How can the state get away with less that appropriate care of child when parent’s take better care? How can a State agency get away with changing the whole name of a child on a birth certificate and handing a child over to foster care with intentions of adoption out right? How can an agency expect a parent that is disabled to find and hold a job? Turn in a psychological evaluation form from your private psychologist? And; What are they actual meant to do for the Parent? The actual list can go on forever and these are just some of the things I have come across in the last few days.
Now do not get me wrong some things like finding and maintaining suitable housing for children is understandable. Or entering into drug treatment centers if there is a problem with drugs, however there better be verifiable proof there are drugs and not some random half-hearted drug test that can be tampered with. CPS is not and never has been a friend to families and they are getting worse. Now they are blatantly violating the Indian Child Welfare Act (from here on out to be called ICWA)!
They turn a family upside down and inside out and then when a family gets the help they need and turn to the one Nation that will fight for their GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS they laugh in their face and tell them “YOU FORGED DOCUMENTS” REALLY, now you have pissed this White/Indian off!!! You got away with taking my children because I was naïve; LET ME PROVE MY HERITAGE! We all come from some kind of background so why is it so hard for people to accept it when we claim our heritage? It seems that CPS is running amuck and taking all these children and not caring who’s feet they are stepping on or who’s government system they are running over!
I remember watching on TV growing up the old Western movies that were educational to a point about the Treaties that were signed protecting the Indians and their children as they were the true natives to this land. What happen to this respect we once gave them? Has that respect been breed out of us just like we are breeding out respect for the parent and teaching our children that taking away the (CELL PHONE) is considered abuse? Taking away all those expensive toys and gadgets is abuse then what the hell was it when I grew up? I never heard of CPS coming and doing a home inspection and making sure there were no toys on the floor and breakfast dishes were washed, dried, and put away. A house that is not lived in, is not a HOME! SHOW ME YOUR HOME CPS!!!
You’re a new mother I understand sending that mother to parenting classes, sure; but a mother and father of four children let alone a parent like me that had six! Please this world is not built on one way of doing things and not every person has the same personality and what works for one child most definitely may not work for another. Your programs are flawed, to the point of being absurd! You never look at the family as a unit, you tear them apart like you are a shredding machine; and with only two months of in-class studies, damn I have more education than you do with six years and could still never chance that call to just rip that family apart without first intense home visitation.
You get a call and you are right there; “we are here to take your children” “we do not care what you say”. Good Lord people; think before you leap, you called me in for a drug test knowing full well I PERSONALLY NEVER ONCE TOUCHED THE STUFF! I swear if these people had common sense before becoming CPS Caseworkers “THEY LOST IT AFTERWARDS!”
In the last couple of months it has also come to my attention that CPS is going into hospitals and taking NEWBORN CHILDREN from parents! For what reason? One case that crossed my desk was where the mother caught a case was because the nurse (a MANDATED REPORTER) said “MOTHER DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO CHANGE A DIAPER PROPERLY AND IS NOT BONDING WITH CHILD PROPERLY!” How in God’s name can these people be JUDGE and PERSICUTIONER of a person when most of them have never had a child of their OWN? The next cases that crossed my desk and seems to be the common course of action now a day is; “FAILURE TO THRIVE”, “NEGLECT”, and “EXISTING PAST.” Caseworkers are even going as far as saying that parent’s are now threatening their lives of bodily harm and obtaining personal protection orders (PPO) against parents just because they refuse to back down and walk away from their children.
What happens when a parent; regardless if that parent is a step-parent or a biological parent gets falsely accused of sexual abuse? Mind you we are not discounting the millions of cases that come across our desks everyday that have this element, but honestly to use CPS to retrieve a child for monetary value for back child support and convince that child that the other parent has touched them inappropriately? What happens to a child that stands up and says this never happened? They end up in juvenile detention centers! Should a father give a child a bath now a days it is considered inappropriate! Another father is not allowed to go home to his wife and daughter because of a charge he paid for years prior because he was young and chorused to take a plea! This man has not seen his daughter only ever gets to hear his daughter’s voice on the phone and see her grow in pictures! CPS says because he has a past he cannot be around his own flesh and blood! Never charged!
When you set at your computer and say these are not real and this cannot happen let me tell you, it most certainly can happen! I see it every day, I was personally a victim of it so some years ago and it has not changed; yes it has, IT HAS GOTTEN WORSE! These people that I have described have done nothing wrong but want to have their families and be a family! DO NOT TURN A BLIND EYE TO WHAT YOU READ HERE THEY NEED YOUR HELP, GET INVOLVED, AND SPREAD THE WORD! PLEASE, WE PRAY THAT YOU THE PEOPLE HAVE THE COMPASION TO SHARE THIS AND JOIN THE MOVEMENT! THANK YOU FOR READING…